Friday, January 19, 2018

Eat More Veggies

How do we go about finding the best foods for our well being and indigestion system? This in itself is not an easy task, you have the veggie diets that claim is the way to go to be on the safe side and you have the low carb diet to make sure that you have the best fat, protein and carbs diets for your body.
Well, this topic can go on for as long as there is all kind of Make Believe sure way gimmick to waste your time and money, to make your body lose weight at a Record-Breaking rate. But the best way is GODS way, just believe in him and leave the bad habits alone and eat and sleep right and cut out all of the fast food and late-night activities that leave you worn and drain in the days that follow.

Let's not get sidetracked, back to the subject at hand which is your weight and well being. My personal belief is that pork and some Unnatural food that are by far very harmful to your body, they clog your arteries so that you do not get the right blood flow and air passage to your heart. One day I was looking at some photos of the inside of a person, who has eaten pork for a number of years and let me tell that the arteries were almost closed shut. That's something for you to think about, how could you eat an animal that, eats its own feces, and anything that you place in front of it.

The animal that I am referring to is a hog, I will be continuing on this subject which the battle to keep our minds and healthy body, in the meantime, please, by all means, try to find the right nutritional foods to eat and cut out all the bad habits, your body will thank you.

Allen W. Williams
724 Berkley St, Camden, New Jersey, 08103

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